Ultimamente he redactado posts sobre las RR.SS. y su aplicación a los más distintos niveles, pero no quería dejar de comentar la que hoy por hoy considero la mejor y más útil Red Social a nivel educativo, y que no es otra que EDMODO.
Por supuesto, esto no pretende ser la "explicación definitiva" sino una mera introducción que despierte en algunos el interés para descubrir más de esta red social / docente.
Edmodo es una red social de aprendizaje, de uso educativo y gratuita. Se presenta a través una plataforma educativa con el fin de facilitar la comunicación entre docentes, alumnos y familias y se caracteriza por brindar privacidad y seguridad a los usuarios.
Surgió en 2008, y fue creada por Jeff O'Hara y Nic Borg, empleados del distrito escolar de Illinois, USA en febrero del 2010 se fusiona con Fusion Project, empresa subsidiaria de Revolution Learning. Actualmente tiene MÁS DE 15.000.000 de usuarios y sigue creciendo día a día.
¿Cuáles son sus aplicaciones y funcionalidades?
- Mantener contacto fluído y virtual con alumnos, colegas docentes y familias.
- Compartir información relevante entre docentes colegas, alumnos y familias.
- Fomentar el trabajo colaborativo dentro de la institución o entre diferentes instituciones
- Apoyar clases presenciales
- Sumar actividades domiciliarias
- Brindar de forma organizada un espacio personal de almacenamiento de información multimedial (links, videos, imágenes, documentos), denominado Biblioteca.
- Es gratuita.
- Tiene una amplia variedad de idiomas
- No requiere obligatoriamente el mail de los alumnos, lo cual permite que se registren menores de 13 años.
- No es abierta al público ya que no permite el ingreso a invitados sin registro.
- Brinda un entorno intuitivo y amigable.
- Permite invitar a los familiares de los alumnos a acompañar el proceso de aprendizaje.
- Emula una clase a distancia para alumnos que no pueden asistir presencialmente a clase por un lapso determinado.
- No presenta opciones pagas mejoradas (cuenta Premium)
- Está en constante mejora.
- Los docentes administradores pueden blanquear la clave de los alumnos de su grupo, en caso de olvido.
Tipos de usuarios
Al crear una cuenta nueva permite dos tipos de usuarios, profesor o estudiante.
El profesor puede crear grupos, lo cual lo califica como profesor administrador de su grupo.
Si otros profesores se unen a su grupo, son miembros que no tienen los mismos permisos que el profesor administrador, pero éste puede cambiar la propiedad de los invitados a co-profesor, y de esta forma pueden realizar casi las mismas acciones que el profesor administrador.
Para esto, primero clic en el nombre del grupo y debe ir a la solapa Miembros
Al seleccionar un miembro, se despliegan ciertas opciones. Para cambiar su situación dentro del grupo, se despliega el cuadro de la opción Acceso:
A su vez puede cambiar la propiedad tanto de profesores como de estudiantes a “Sólo lectura”, donde no tienen ningún privilegio más que el de leer lo que sucede en los grupos.El administrador o co-profesor del grupo tienen la opción de eliminar miembros del grupo con “Remover del grupo”
Y una muy buena idea para todos los que usan twitter.- el #edmodochat, donde podréis hablar de temas tan atractivos como ....
Keeping Learning Intact over the Holiday Break
Q1: What strategies do you employ to keep students sharp over the break?
Q2: Homework or Projects? Why?
Q3: How do you address Ss who have no computers at home?
Q4: Is it Best Practice to stay active in Edmodo over holidays?
Q5: How do you manage your class time nearing holidays?
Q6: Tech tips and tricks for starting a new semester?
Evolving Classroom Practices to Make Learning More Active and Engaging?
Q1: How do you define active learning?
Q2: What are you most successful active learning strategies?
Q3: How has technology helped or hindered those strategies?
Q4: Which active learning activities do your students love?
Q5: How have you used collaboration in your classrooms?
Q6: What concerns and major hurdles do your students experience with collaboration?
Q7: How has technology allowed you to focus on improving learning outcomes?
Involving Parents to Improve Student Learning
Q1: How do Parents fit into our current educational model?
Q2: Does this need to change? How would we change this?
Q3: What strategies do you employ to involve your Parents with learning?
Q4: How do we extend learning from the classroom into the homes of students?
Q5: How can Edmodo improve our Parent involvement specifically?
Q6: What concerns and major hurdles do you experience when working with Parents?
Q7: How do we work With our parents instead of against them? (maybe, depending on conversation)
Tips and Tricks for Reaching All Learners in the Classroom
Q1: How are you using Edmodo to communicate with students? (What specific tool, etc?)
Q2: How do your students respond to this extra communication?
Q3: How do you determine the skill level of your students? assessment, survey, etc
Q4: How are you differentiating instruction within Edmodo to reach these learners?
Q5: If you have limited tech access, how are you using devices to reach learners?
Q6: What perspective have you gained about your students that you didn’t have before tech (or Edmodo in general)?
Using Web 2.0 Technology IN Edmodo
Q1: What does Web 2.0 technology mean to you? #edmodochat
Q2: How do these tools add VALUE to your classroom instruction? #edmodochat
Q3: Why use Web 2.0 tools in @Edmodo? #emodochat
Q4: What is your favorite Web 2.0 tool for your content area?
Q5: What is your favorite Web 2.0 tools for content creation?
Q6: What is your favorite Web 2.0 tool in general?
Parent Involvement
Q1: What r specific things that help transform negative/fixed minded parents n2 positive adopters who utilize Edmodo/technology?
Q2: How involved should parents be? When should students be held accountable for their work vs parents stepping in?
Q3: What are the top tools and applications you are using to encourage parent use of Edmodo?
Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship
(June is internet safety month!)
Q1: How do you teach Internet Safety in your classrooms?
Q2: What are some best practices you teach your students?
Q3: What tools do you use for teaching internet safety?
Q4: How to use Badges to show them good behavior?
Professional Development over Summer
Q1: What are your plans for personal professional development this summer? Q2: Does your district have professional development scheduled this summer? If so, what kind?
Q3: What are some of the titles on your summer professional development reading list?
Q4: Are you using Edmodo for summer professional development? If so, how?
Q5: Do you have plans to attend any professional conferences this summer?
Describe your ideal summer professional learning experience? #njed
What form does your summer professional learning take? #njed
What drives your summer professional learning? PDP? Personal Interest? District offerings? Other? #njed
How do you capture / share your learning from summer PD with your school community? #njedWhat resources do you rely upon to find learning opportunities? #njed
What resources do you rely upon to find learning opportunities? #njed
Does your professional learning include offering PD as well? #njed
What tools do you use to maintain a record of professional learning activities? #njed
Gamification in the Classroom
Q1: How do you set up/use gamification in Edmodo?
Q2: What outside of Edmodo resources do you use to enhance gamification of your Edmodo groups? (class dojo?)
Q3: How can professional development sessions be gamified on Edmodo (ie outside resources mainly for badges/leaderboards since badges cannot be awarded to teacher accounts)
Q4: What product improvements would make gamification work more seamlessly in Edmodo?
Being a 21st Century Educator
Q1: What does it mean to be a 21st C educator?
Q2: Why is it important?
Q3: How do students benefit?
Q4: What types of activities/actions does this include?
Q5: How does tech play a role?
Q6: What challenges get in the way?
Q7: How to overcome these challenges?
Reading Instruction
Q1: How do you use Edmodo to facilitate reading instruction
Q2: What best practices can you share about using Edmodo for reading instruction?
Q3: How do you get students/teachers accustomed to reading digital texts?
Q4: What tools, in addition to Edmodo, can you use to facilitate reading instruction?
Q5: Have you heard of Snapshot or started using it?
Paperless Instruction and Grading
Q1: How do you use Edmodo to cut down on photocopying items for classes?
Q2: What things/activities can you do with Edmodo that you can’t do on paper?
Q3: What things/activities do you still do on paper? Why?
BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology)
Q1: Is your campus/classroom allowing students to bring their own devices?
Q2: How are teachers responding? How are students responding?
Q3: How did you and/or your campus communicate this initiative?
Q4: How does Edmodo support you in your BYOD learning environment?
Q5: How has BYOD changed your teaching style?
Q6: How has Edmodo supported your new paradigm?
Q7: What challenges, if any, have you encountered in your BYOD environment?
Q8: What advice would you give to other educators that have concerns about going BYOD?
Staying Connected
Q1: How does staying connected with your Ss build that relationship or trust with your students?
Q2: Why is it important to stay connected with students during breaks?
Q3: What are some of your stories about staying connected w your Ss?
Q4: How do you use Edmodo to stay connected with Ss over breaks?
Q5: What other websites help you stay connected w your Ss besides Edmodo?
Q6: What are your overall best practices for staying connected?
Using Edmodo for Flipped PD
Q1: Do you currently use Edmodo to flip PD? #Edmodochat
Q2: How is flipping PD with Edmodo different than traditional PD? Pros? Cons? #Edmodochat
Q3: What things can’t you do when you flip PD with Edmodo that you’d like to do? #Edmodochat
Q4: How can you hold staff accountable to view flipped PD using Edmodo? #edmodochat
Q5: What Edmodo tools can you use in conjunction with video hosting to flip PD? #edmodochat
Q6: What is your biggest take away regarding flipped PD with Edmodo? #edmodochat
Subject Area
Q1: How do you currently use Edmodo to facilitate instruction?
Q2: How can you get students to show their work on Edmodo instead of paper?
Q3: What things can’t you do with Edmodo that you’d like to do?
Q4: How can you do what you do differently with Edmodo?
Por supuestísimo, edmodo no ha de ser una red social que aumente las diferencias, ha de usarse bien, con un modelo coherente para evitar todo tipo de brecha digital, supone una herramienta de un valor inigualable para el maestro, tanto en el aula como fuera de ella, y símplemente ha de tener bien claro los objetivos a conseguir, la forma de usarla, de implementarla, de introducir su uso... y va a tener la herramienta del siglo XXI.
Actualicemos metodologías realmente y subámosnos al carro de la innovación REAL !
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